Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 22

Yesterday’s committee hearings finally ended at 8:00 PM for me ... an incredibly long day. My State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee did not go very well. Rep Sam Hunt, who is the Chairman of the Committee, decided to start taking Executive Action on bills while we were still Caucusing. This is after the games the Speaker played on the House Floor yesterday morning. Needless to say, I need to figure out how to make life difficult for these people around here. Not happy!

With all the crap on the Floor and in committee yesterday, I was very pleased with the Labor and Workforce Committee Meeting. Rep. Sells runs a very good hearing and is very fair to everyone. I may not like his politics, but he does a great job running the committee.

I’m back in the General Government Appropriations and Oversight Committee this morning for 4 more work sessions and 3 bills for Public Hearings. Can anyone please explain to me why we are still holding"work sessions” to hear how overworked and under budgeted all these agencies are? Ugh!

I also have a Labor and Workforce Development Committee meeting at 10:00 AM today, with 5 bills for Public Hearing and 9 scheduled for Executive Action. Finally, at 1:30 PM today is the Environment Committee where 4 bills are scheduled for Executive Action. Today is the cutoff for all policy committees, so the frantic pace of the last few days will be coming to an end.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) | Mail Online


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 22

We’re back on the House Floor this morning voting on the House Cutoff Calendar. What was supposed to be a series of floor speeches from the House Republican Caucus in support of the amended Cutoff Calendar was suddenly cut short by the Democrat Majority because we didn’t tell them we were going to do that. Yes, you heard that correctly, the Majority Democrats refused to let us have floor debate because they didn’t know about it first. It’s these types of games that boggle my mind and piss me off.

Had I been allowed to give my floor speech, it would have gone something like this ...

Mr. Speaker, what is regulatory reform? Regulatory Reform simply saves state taxpayers’ dollars and helps create more private-sector jobs. Unfortunately, the Democrat’s idea of regulatory reform is to create the"Office of Permit Assistance”, while our idea is to simply make the permit easier to get and understand.

My Caucus has introduced several ideas would lead to real reform, like HB1125 which would reclassify hydropower as renewable energy. When we sell our inexpensive hydropower to California, it qualifies as a renewable, but in Washington it does not. Let’s recapture our competitive advantage and count hydropower as renewable energy.

We have also introduced several bills to reform the Growth Management Act. For example, HB 1592 would suspend the requirements of the GMA in counties with significant and persistent unemployment. Mr. Speaker, let’s make it easier to start or grow a business in Washington and get our citizens working again.

As we all know, Tribal Casinos currently have an unfair advantage over no tribal card rooms ... electronic lottery terminals. Some of us have advocated changing the law to allow house banked card rooms the opportunity to operate the same terminals and allow the state to recapture revenue currently going to Tribal Governments who do not pay taxes. This is about fairness and transparency in government.

Lastly, HB 2276 titled the Regulatory Freedom and Accountability Act is an omnibus reform bill that would create regulatory certainty for businesses across Washington State. In 2010 alone, state agencies adopted 1,438 new, permanent rules. Mr. Speaker, constant changes to rules create uncertainty, but predictable rules create opportunities for business growth and job creation.

Mr. Speaker, the amended calendar exempts revenue bills from the policy cutoff. It’s important that we acknowledge revenue bills aren’t just taxes or fees, but also includes reform bills that save the taxpayers money. I would encourage a yes vote of the amended calendar.

The Democrat Majority may be able to stop me from speaking on the House Floor, but they can’t stop me from saying my piece publicly.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Yakima Herald-Republic


The Democrat Majority plans on passing this out of the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee on Monday. Contact you local Legislators.


Inside Olympia

TVW v3:: www.tvw.org/index.php?option=com_tvwplayer&eve...10146

The Republican portion starts at 29 minutes and 25 seconds. Enjoy


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 19

It's Friday baby! I'm in the Labor and Workforce Development Committee this morning listening to testimony on HB 2348 related to the Workforce Investment Act and HB 2265 establishing Washington Works payments to increase graduation rates. HB 2265 will only cost the taxpayers $140 million per biennium.

Last night the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee met at 6:30 PM to take Executive Action on 10 bills. We made a procedural motion to put the Regulatory Freedom and Accountability Act on the Executive Session calendar, but the motion failed. So much for the Denorcrat Majority wanting to deal with systemic problems with over regulation. We'll keep working on it for the next few days.

Last night the House Republican Organizational Committee met at AWB to elect 3 members to the Board of Directors. I was officially elected as the Eastern Washington representative to the HROC Board of Directors. With 8 seats, we take the majority ... Time to get to work, as soon as session ends.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Amazing ...

USDA Releases New Plant Hardiness Map | www.theblaze.com:: www.theblaze.com/stories/is-usdas-new-planting-map...genda


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 18

I spent 30 minutes recording an episode of Inside Olympia this morning, which is scheduled to air at 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM tonight but it may be available earlier on the TVW website. This was a first for me, but I thought it went fairly well. I was able to make it back to the Environment Committee meeting to vote on three bills.

I’m in the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee right now and HB 2276 will be heard shortly. HB 2276 is a House Republican Caucus priority bill dealing with regulatory reform. Here’s a little factoid ... in 2010, 1,438 new permanent rules were adopted, 2,609 rules were amended, 459 emergency rules were adopted, and 1,154 rules were repealed. How can Washington businesses grow if rules are constantly being changed? HB 2276 addresses the issue.

The bill would ...

- Extends rule moratorium until July 1, 2015 with exceptions and allows rules to be repealed.

- Requires the Governor’s signature on all final rules.

- Requires adoption of rules by December 1st each year and cannot take effect until the end of the next regular Legislative Session.

- Requires agencies to determine whether compliance with a rule will result in an economic impact of $1000 (individual) or $5000 (business). If so, the agency must provide notice and rule cannot be enacted or enforced until passed into law by the Legislature.

- Rules can only be adopted under specific delegated authority from the Legislature.

- Requires all rules and laws to include citation of the express constitutional language that provides specific authority for the provisions.

In my humble opinion, this is a great bill and necessary to jumpstart the economy. It will provide businesses with predictable rules to operate and grow under.


Inside Olympia

Hey all, I spent some time this morning on Inside Olympia discussing regulatory reform. It's supposed to air tonight on TVW at 10:00 PM, but might be available before that. Check www.tvw.org/index.php?option=com_tvwliveplayer&...10146 for availability.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wolf Attacks Livestock

Local Outfitter loses mule to wolf attack – ODFW calls probable, USWS and WCSO confirm | Wallowa Valley Online:: wallowavalleyonline.com/wvo/?p=10611

On they're on the way here.


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 17

Wednesday morning in Olympia ... wind and rain. Ok, it’s probably better to described the weather as a monsoon. Ugh! The first meeting of the morning is the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee and the first bill is HB 2340, which would clarify restrictions on the use of the public records act for commercial or profit-making purposes. This is actually a fairly large issue. Ever wonder why you still get solicitation phone calls after signing up on the do not call list? This is bill tries to address the issue; unfortunately, this is an enforcement issue not an issue that should be addressed through a new law. Seven more bills to go and then we’ll move into an Executive Session to pass bills out of Committee.

One of the bills on the list for Executive Session is HB 2233, which deals with retrocession of civil and criminal jurisdiction to Indian Tribes and Indian Country. As many of you know, I served on the Joint Executive-Legislative Workgroup on Tribal Retrocession last summer and I remain deeply concerned with the ramification of granting retrocession to Indian Tribes. Among those concerns is who has liability post-retrocession, given Indian Tribes have sovereign immunity. We will be introducing several amendments to address our concerns, but doubt the Democrat Majority will accept any of our common sense proposals.

We’re scheduled to be on the House Floor today at 10:00 AM, but I don’t know whether we’ll actually be voting on legislation. I do know we’ll be getting briefed in Caucus on a couple of education issues that should be very interesting to the citizens of Washington. Later today I have a Labor and Workforce Development Committee meeting. Among the bills on the agenda ... HB 2041, by Rep. Fitzgibbon, making the state civil service law and the state collective bargaining law applicable to legislative employees. In other words, UNIONIZING legislative employees. Please feel free to contact Rep. Fitzgibbon and let him know how you feel about his bill.


Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 15

It looks like we’re going to kick off the third week of Session with floor debate and passage of legislation. There are a remarkable number of"do nothing” bills working through the process this year. I guess the Democrat Majority thinks if we look busy the public will forget we’re doing nothing to address the $1.5 billion budget deficit. The first 5 bills of the day ... 1 Yes vote and 4 No votes. Things are getting back to normal around here.

I have a fairly busy day, with Committee meetings at 1:30 and 6:00 PM and an assortment of meetings scattered throughout the day. Actually, the entire week is going to be fairly busy with a lot of meetings being rescheduled from last week. At least the snow is almost gone here in Olympia.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 13

The power is back on in Olympia ... yea ... which means I have water too. So here's the picture from yesterday at the Capital. Please note the t-shirt. :-)



Friday, January 20, 2012

Supreme Court Throws Out Judge-Drawn TX Electoral Maps Favoring Minorities | www.theblaze.com


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 12 Continued

Well it's official, I’m not headed home this weekend. Here’s the forecast for the Western Slopes of the Cascades ...


And for the Eastern Slopes ...



The worse part of not getting home this weekend is missing the Yakima Association of Realtors (YAR) Installation Banquet. I’m sure going to miss seeing everyone.

I’m sitting in the Environment Committee right now. First up on the agenda, a Work Session on locally-based strategies and governance for cleaning up Puget Sound. Apparently the Green River Watershed/Central Puget Sound needs $300 million over 10 years to implement watershed plans and salmon recovery plans. Ok, so what part of"We’re Broke” don’t you get?

Up next on the agenda ... HB 2277 related to the Puget Sound Action Agenda. Yet another"black hole” for spending. They’ve already blown through millions of dollars just developing the Action Agenda.

Also on the Agenda, HB 2404 reducing the use of disposable checkout bags. Yes that right, facing a $1.5 billion deficit and we’re going to outlaw plastic bags. Retails who fail to comply with the ban would face a Class I Civil infraction.

And finally, HB 2450 adopting the Washington small rechargeable battery stewardship act. This jewel of a bill does three main things. First, it requires manufacturers and marketers to participate in a recycling program. Second, it requires retailers to use signs or other mechanisms to inform consumers of recycling programs. Lastly, it prohibits retailers from selling rechargeable batteries that are not marked with an identification of the manufacturer or marketer. At some point the madness must stop.

Oh and before I forget, the power is out at the Capital and most travel is shut down around the state, yet we're still having hearings on bills. So much for government of the people, by the people and for the people.


2012 Regular Legislative Session 2012

My day started the day with a hearing on one of my bills in the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. HB 1117 would change Washington Water Law from Relinquishment to Common Law Abandonment. Simply put, the bill would reverse the burden of proof from the water right holder to the DOE. This is the second year the bill has received a hearing, but the Democrats continue to refuse to move it out of committee. Not surprisingly, the Department of Ecology, Center for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP), the Sierra Club, and two tribes spoke in opposition to the bill. According the CELP, the bill is"a big step backwards”. So let me get this right, protecting an individual’s water right from the state taking it is a step backward.

I’ve got a 1:30 Environment Committee meeting today and am still trying to decide whether to make an attempt over the pass tonight. They’re expecting another 6 inches of snow on White Pass by 5:30 today, Highway 18 is currently closed with trees all over the road and I-5 was closed this morning at Centralia. Now I’m hearing freezing rain is in the forecast for the Eastern Slopes of the Cascades. Not a real positive outlook for traveling today.


Thursday, January 19, 2012



Please be sure to read the 2nd paragraph ... wow!

2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 11 Continued

I can honestly say I witnessed something today that I have never seen before. HB 2225, establishing July 25th as Patient Safety Day, was defeated through a 5-4 vote with two Democrats voting with us against the bill. Absolutely amazing to watch the rest of the Democrats attempt to sway their members to pass the bill. Victory!

Sitting in General Government Appropriations and Oversight now, listening to a presentation from the Columbia Gorge Commission. I am of the opinion the Gorge Commission is an unconstitutional decision making body that should be abolished. It’s time to return all land use decision making authority to the locally elected officials.

I have a 2:30 meeting today with the Republican Caucus of the Environment Committee. Rep. Matt Shea was recently added to the Environment Committee, which adds another pro-property rights member to the Committee. Let the fun begin!


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 11

Ok folks, here's your chance to melt down the email servers in Olympia. Here is the bill digest for HB 2330:

Requires a health plan that provides coverage for maternity care or services to also provide a covered person with substantially equivalent coverage to permit the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.

That's right, a bill requiring health plans to pay for abortions!

Please email your Representatives and demand a no vote on HB 2330. There are 33 Democrats sponsoring this bill ... Representatives Cody, Jinkins, Darneille, Pollet, Wylie, Appleton, Goodman, Pedersen, Roberts, Van De Wege, Carlyle, Maxwell, Fitzgibbon, Hudgins, Reykdal, Santos, McCoy, Clibborn, Kagi, Lytton, Moscoso, Springer, Eddy, Liias, Hunt, Moeller, Tharinger, Billig, Kenney, Ryu, Dickerson, Stanford, Ormsby. I would encourage you to contact every one of them and let them know what you think.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Post from davidtaylor at CHUMLY


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 10

Ok, so my email and text messages starting blowing up around 9:45 last night. It seems Conservation Northwest decided to bring their dog and pony show to Yakima to demonstrate how useful and important wolves are to the ecosystem. Folks this is a sham, nothing but a propaganda campaign designed to fool people into believing wolves aren’t dangerous. Isn’t it ironic that Conservation Northwest decided to hold their public forum in Yakima when one of the biggest critics of the State’s Wolf Management and Conservation Plan is sitting in Olympia?

For the record, Conservation Northwest used to be known as the Northwest Ecosystem Alliance, a group who has filed many lawsuits against local, state and federal agencies costing the taxpayers of Washington State millions. Please do your own research, look at the information coming out of Idaho, Montana and Oregon and make your own conclusions. Also, please watch www.facebook.com/CryingWolfDoc for additional information.

Sitting in the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee this morning, listening to a work session about the important economic benefit tribes have to Washington State. This is all in an effort to pass Tribal civil and criminal retrocession. There are many, many issues associated with tribal retrocession.

It’s still snowing here in Olympia and it sounds like we could get another 8 inches before it starts to rain. Ugh!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Signs the Apocalypse is upon us 4

Today, in the Environment Committee, we heard HB 2266 concerning safe children’s products. Although the bill is a bad idea, that’s not the issue for this post. Planned Parenthood testified in support of the bill because they are concerned about children’s health. Seriously? The hypocrisy is amazing.


2012 Regular Legislative Session Days 8 and 9

Today was the first day of the 2012 Legislative Session that we took action on legislation. We voted on a small set of bills from the 2011 session, all of which do nothing to address the budget deficit. I’m sitting in the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee right now listening to testimony on 6 bills that, once again, do nothing to address the budget deficit. I suppose you could argue that HB 222 does do something to address the budget. This is a bill allowing the state library to recover costs associated with research requests from people who are not residents ... total increase in revenue $45k. Ugh! There’s also a bill designating July 25th as patient safety day ... now this is an important issue for the Legislature.

I have quite a few meetings this week, but am really looking forward to seeing some folks from home. The Realtors will be in town this week and always enjoy seeing them. AWB will also be in town on Tuesday ... yeah, another opportunity to see more folks from the 15th District. I’m going to head back home this weekend to attend the Yakima Association of Realtors Installation Dinner.

So I somehow forgot to post this yesterday, sorry everyone. I woke up this morning to about 8 inches of snow in the driveway ... yikes! It took me 45 minutes to drive to the Evergreen Freedom Foundation to do a radio show with Rep. Matt Shea. I hope folks back in the district were able to hear it. I missed my first committee meeting of the day due to the radio show and trying to drive to the Capital from the EFF recording studio. People in Olympia DO NOT know how to drive in the snow.

I heard yesterday the Senate Ways and Means Committee (budget committee) has cancelled all their hearings for the second week in a row and according to our budget lead, Rep. Gary Alexander, the House Democrats have done nothing in the way of working on a budget thus far. Ugh!

Some breaking news, the Republican National Committee passed a resolution condemning Agenda 21. For more information, go to www.varight.com/news/news/they-did-it-republican-n...ution. This is some great news!

Off to my Labor and Workforce Development Committee meeting.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Full Loop Rodeo Company cattle

I've been getting updates from Robert and Emily ... apparently the folks in Ellensburg love our cattle. Looks like we might get a long-term contract.


range-su11-sr-wildlands.pdf (application/pdf Object)


range-wi12-agenda_21.pdf (application/pdf Object)


2012 Regular Legislative Session Days 6 and 7

I spent Saturday working on legislation and possible amendments to a couple of bad bills put forward by the Democrats. Seriously, voter registration up to 5:00 PM the day of an election? Can you say voter fraud? How about creating a voter database for 16 and 17 year olds when they get their drivers license? That would be a no.

Watched football all day yesterday ... the last 3 minutes of the 49ers and Saints game will probably go down as one of the all time best. Wow! Not a fan of the 49ers, but wow! Oh and the Tebow train hit the end of the line. Too bad, but all good things must come to an end.

I’m going to watch some more football today and work on a couple of more amendments to bills. Woke up to about 3 inches of snow in Olympia and it’s still snowing. Should make for an interesting drive in the morning. Please pray for all the Eastern Washington Reps making the drive back today ... the passes could be ugly!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Signs the Apocalypse is Upon Us 3

Gregoire files legal brief in 2/3 vote for taxes lawsuit | Washington Policy Center:: www.washingtonpolicy.org/blog/post/gregoire-files-...wsuit

And the insanity continues ...


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 5

We had a Labor and Workforce Development Committee meeting this morning, but there's not a lot to report on. We Caucused on several bills for Monday's Floor Session, but there's not a lot of controversial bills on the list. I have an Environment Committee meeting this afternoon which should be interesting. There's a SEPA Bill up for hearing that's a complete waste of time ... mostly allowing things already allowed ... so I should have some fun with that.

It sure feels like the Legislature is doing a whole lot of nothing right now. Stay tuned ...


Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

I'll be on KONA 610 out of the Tri Cities today at 4:40 PM.


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 4

Here we go again. I'm in this morning's State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee meeting hearing HB 2204 that would allow people to register to vote up to 5:00 PM on the day of an election. This bill should have been titled "An Act to perpetrate election fraud". Those testifying in support ... UW Students, Kind County Democrats, WA Students Association, WA BUS, Statewide Poverty Network, and the League of Women Voters. This is a very bad idea and needs to be put down.

Now we're hearing HB 2205 which would allow 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote. The bill would create a second voter registry that would sit idle until a person reaches the age of 18. The people testifying in support ... UW Students, WA BUS, King County Democrats, WA Students Association, and the League of Women Voters. It’s another bad bill.

These bills are great examples of the desperate actions the Democrats are willing to take to secure election success in the future.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Signs the Apocalypse is upon us 2

WA man accused of selling pot on courthouse lawn - Northwest - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington news, weather and sports:: www.theolympian.com/2012/01/10/1943601/wa-man-accu....html


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 3

Today's Labor and Workforce Development Committee meeting is downright painful. We're having a work session today called "Income Inequality in Washington" also known as "Raise Taxes and Redistribute Wealth" work session. I'm sure glad we're spending 2 hours discussing this nonsense and not on the budget deficit we're facing. PAINFUL!

More meetings this afternoon and then off to dinner. My new Treasure, Christina, is headed over to Olympia today to attend a PDC Training tomorrow. Wednesday is steak night at the Brick!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wow, check this out!

Senior/Lead Internal Organizer, Home Care:: www.seiu.org/2011/12/seniorlead-internal-organizer...e.php

Seriously, look at this ...
• Plan and execute strategic direct action field plans including banner drops, bank takeovers, and capitol occupations with membership, other local unions, and coalition partners


Signs the Apocalypse is upon us ... 1

Bill to ban plastic bags statewide to be introduced today | Yakima Herald-Republic:: www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2012/01/10/bill-to-b...today

Let's see proposals to cut education funding ... Check. Proposals to cut programs for the most vulnerable ... Check. A $1.5 billion budget deficit ... Check. Outlawing plastic bags ... Check. Seems like important issue to me ... this is stupid.


2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 2

Back at it for the second day of session. We're getting ready to listen to the Governor's State of the State address ... should be interesting. The State of the State address has begun and so will my editorial comments ...

"Challenges and opportunities" ... What does that mean Governor? Is the challenge passing an increased tax or is it an opportunity to raise taxes?

"The system isn't broken" ... Really? I don't even know how to respond to this.

"We must, we can and we will come out ahead" ... Not with the current tax and spend mindset in Olympia.

"It's now up to us, over the next 60-days I ask you to do four things:
1. Pass a budget quickly;
2. Pass a $500 million dollar sales tax increase;
3. Pass my school reforms; and
4. Pass a Transportation and Jobs package."
... ok, this one is a little difficult to respond to. I agree we need to pass the budget quickly, but not through a $500 million tax increase or an $.11 gas tax increase and definitely not through maintaining the status quo.

"Wall Street handed us this mess" ... Seriously? I think the ever increasing spending put us into this mess. Let's not forget that Washington State is still projected to receive $1.7 billion more revenue that the 2009-11 budget.

"We've already cut $10.5 billion over the past few years" ... And those are only cuts to what the majority WANTED to spend. To repeat, we're spending $1.7 billion more in this budget then the last.

"We must address our own education gaps" ... wow, the hypocrisy of the statement. Governor, if you want to address education gaps, why are you proposing to cut Levy Equalization?

"Let's create jobs now" ... Agreed! Let's repeal the GMA, let's cut taxes, let's increase local control, and let's pass some real regulatory reform.

"I ask you to pass a $1.50 barrel tax on all oil produced in Washington" ... translation, the Governor wants to increase the cost of gas on all citizens. Wait, we refine oil in Washington, but we don't produce any oil.

"Fight discrimination ... it's time to for marriage equality". Facing a budget crisis, cuts to education and serious unemployment, but the Governor's priority is gay marriage. Enough said.

Now it's my turn. Governor, it's time education get's the first dollar, not the last and it's time to pass some real regulatory reforms to get Washington working again.


Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Regular Legislative Session Day 1

The 2012 Legislative Session officially kicks off in 20 minutes. There's a lot of pomp and circumstance on the opening day and everyone gets along ... for now. The Governor's State of the State address will be tomorrow and should be a long, boring recap of all her success. It's funny how people like to talk a long time, when they've accomplished nothing.

My first State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee meeting is today at 1:30 PM. There's not a lot of heavy lifting on the schedule today, but I expect that to change by Wednesday and Thursday's meeting. There are two very bad bills on the calendar for Thursday HB 2203 (Simplifying motor voter registration) and HB 2204 (Extending the time period for voter registration). Please call your Representatives and ask them to vote no on these bills.

Big game tonight, 'Bama vs. LSU ... Roll Tide.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8, 2012

Last day before the 2012 Regular Legislative Session begins. Based on what I'm hearing, this could be a nasty session, very partisan and lacking the focus necessary to finish within the 60-day limit. Case in point, the Democrat majority has decided to make Gay Marriage one of their priorities ... not the $1.5 billion budget deficit.

Molly left this morning for Tiffany's volleyball tournament in Tacoma. We had dinner with the team last night and then came back to Olympia. Good luck today girls.

Headed into the office later this morning to prepare for our Caucus meeting this afternoon on Priorities of Government. Tomorrow the work begins.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Death and Taxes | PubliCola


Simply amazing statement!

January 7, 2012

Came over to Olympia yesterday and got everything moved into my home away from home. Molly and Tiffany came over today and we're headed up to Tacoma for dinner with Tiffany's volleyball team, Team Yakima Black. They're playing in a tournament tomorrow in University Place.

We have a Caucus meeting tomorrow afternoon to continue of discussion on Priorities of Government. I'm looking forward to the discussion and hope we are able to make some progress in the process to develop our own priorities. On Monday morning, the 2012 Regular Legislative Session will begin.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012

After spending a week trying to get everything working right with the pump, we found a B-I-G HUGE problem. There's no way to pull the pump without digging down 5 feet, cutting the well casing, pull the old pump, and weld the casing back together. UGH! Sounds like an April or May project.

We finally finished moving the remaining cows to the winter pasture on Monday. One last day to work cows before leaving for Olympia. Nice!


WA State Fish and Wildlife Commission

Republicans push to oust newly appointed Wildlife Commissioner | Local news, sports, weather, blogs, opinion, crime, obituaries, business, directory, marketplace, education, high school, family, shopping, arts, entertainment, movies, books, cooking, auto, real estate, jobs, classifieds, photos, videos, comics, contests, and mountain pass webcams from Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, Chelan, Leavenworth, Waterville, Cashmere, Quincy, Entiat, North Central Washington newspaper: www.wenatcheeworld.com/news/2012/jan/04/republican...dlife

"He said he weathered all of the same attacks in the mid-1990s, when Okanogan County Republicans were worked up over a proposed international park, and started, he said, seeing black helicopters.
"I don’t think this is about me. I think it’s about them. Every 15 years, the right wing of Okanogan County has to show just how out of touch it is, and I’m their whipping boy,” he said."

I've got a few folks I'd love to get appointed to the Commission. At least they would represent the values of Eastern Washington.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More taxes for WA State

State Rep. pitches a new way to fund basic education | Yakima Herald-Republic: www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2012/01/3/state-rep-...ation

Here's yet another great idea from the Democrats in Olympia. Let's increase property taxes by $1.0 billion to pay for education. This of course is on the heals of another $500 million sales tax increase to fund education. Hmm over the past 3 months, the Democrat majority in Olympia has proposed $1.5 billion in tax increase, but nothing in the way of government reform and reduced spending.

I have a novel idea, let's prioritize our spending and fund the core government functions first!


Post from davidtaylor at CHUMLY

Advocates look to line up Latino voters in new 15th District | Yakima Herald-Republic: www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2012/01/03/advocates...trict

More redistricting news

Post from davidtaylor at CHUMLY

New 15th District boundary draws fire from local lawmakers - Daily Sun News - Sunnyside, Washington: www.dailysunnews.com/DSNNews0.shtml


Monday, January 2, 2012

WA State Redistricting

Yakima Herald-Republic: hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/W/WA_REDISTRICTING_W...FAULT

"Democratic member Tim Ceis said he was "very proud" of the final map." Of course he would, he got exactly what he proposed from the start. Look back over all the proposals, people!


January 2. 2012

Off to work some cows. Waiting to see if anyone else will speak freely on the WA State Redistricting Commission's unconstitutional redistricting plan. Please read Article 2, Section 43 of the Washington State Constitution!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

Forgot to add the picture, sorry.


January 1, 2012

The latest and greatest from the Redistricting Commission. Charles Ross and I split the City of Yakima. Please read Article II, Section 43 and pay attention to subsection 5 .... here it is:

SECTION 43 REDISTRICTING. (1) In January of each year ending in one, a commission shall be established to provide for the redistricting of state legislative and congressional districts.
(2) The commission shall be composed of five members to be selected as follows: The legislative leader of the two largest political parties in each house of the legislature shall appoint one voting member to the commission by January 15th of each year ending in one. By January 31st of each year ending in one, the four appointed members, by an affirmative vote of at least three, shall appoint the remaining member. The fifth member of the commission, who shall be nonvoting, shall act as its chairperson. If any appointing authority fails to make the required appointment by the date established by this subsection, within five days after that date the supreme court shall make the required appointment.
(3) No elected official and no person elected to legislative district, county, or state political party office may serve on the commission. A commission member shall not have been an elected official and shall not have been an elected legislative district, county, or state political party officer within two years of his or her appointment to the commission. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to the office of precinct committee person.
(4) The legislature shall enact laws providing for the implementation of this section, to include additional qualifications for commissioners and additional standards to govern the commission. The legislature shall appropriate funds to enable the commission to carry out its duties.
(5) Each district shall contain a population, excluding nonresident military personnel, as nearly equal as practicable to the population of any other district. To the extent reasonable, each district shall contain contiguous territory, shall be compact and convenient, and shall be separated from adjoining districts by natural geographic barriers, artificial barriers, or political subdivision boundaries. The commission's plan shall not provide for a number of legislative districts different than that established by the legislature. The commission's plan shall not be drawn purposely to favor or discriminate against any political party or group.
(6) The commission shall complete redistricting as soon as possible following the federal decennial census, but no later than January 1st of each year ending in two. At least three of the voting members shall approve such a redistricting plan. If three of the voting members of the commission fail to approve a plan within the time limitations provided in this subsection, the supreme court shall adopt a plan by April 30th of the year ending in two in conformance with the standards set forth in subsection (5) of this section.
(7) The legislature may amend the redistricting plan but must do so by a two-thirds vote of the legislators elected or appointed to each house of the legislature. Any amendment must have passed both houses by the end of the thirtieth day of the first session convened after the commission has submitted its plan to the legislature. After that day, the plan, with any legislative amendments, constitutes the state districting law.
(8) The legislature shall enact laws providing for the reconvening of a commission for the purpose of modifying a districting law adopted under this section. Such reconvening requires a two-thirds vote of the legislators elected or appointed to each house of the legislature. The commission shall conform to the standards prescribed under subsection (5) of this section and any other standards or procedures that the legislature may provide by law. At least three of the voting members shall approve such a modification. Any modification adopted by the commission may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the legislators elected and appointed to each house of the legislature. The state districting law shall include the modifications with amendments, if any.
(9) The legislature shall prescribe by law the terms of commission members and the method of filling vacancies on the commission.
(10) The supreme court has original jurisdiction to hear and decide all cases involving congressional and legislative redistricting.
(11) Legislative and congressional districts may not be changed or established except pursuant to this section. A districting plan and any legislative amendments to the plan are not subject to Article III, section 12 of this Constitution. [AMENDMENT 74, 1983 Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 103, p 2202. Approved November 8, 1983.]

If you can look at the latest map from the Redistricting Commission and find it Constitutional, please let me know.


January 1, 2012

Happy New Year everyone. We've had a busy couple of days around here. We're really close to having to old Ford F-350 back up and running finally. We also had a little fun yesterday and let a couple of the kids ride some calves (video and picks coming later). We spent New Years Eve over at the neighbors and had a lot of fun.

So it sounds like the State Redistricting Commission is close to making a final decision (www.redistricting.wa.gov/assets/maps/123111_drafts...e.pdf). Unfortunately, it looks like they're going to completely redraw the 14th (Yakima area) and 15th (Lower Valley, Klickitat, Skamania, and Clark Counties). I've also heard several good Republican Districts on the Westside are in jeopardy. I'm still not sure what anyone was thinking with this one, but I guess we just have to wait and see.

I'm headed back over to Olympia this Friday for the 2012 Regular Session. I've got a few meetings this week, will spend Thursday getting everything ready to go and head out Friday. Our Caucus is actually meeting Sunday afternoon before the session even starts. Let the fun begin.
