Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28, 2012

I'm not sure where to even begin. The US Supreme Court ruled today that Obama Care is Constitutional ... it's a sad day for Constitutional Patriots Nationwide. How does it make you feel? Depressed, frustrated, irritated, or sad? I for one am not feeling any of these emotions. I’m pissed and filled with a new resolve to uphold the original intent of the Constitution. The ground shaking are the Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves, but it’s the sound, that awesome sound, of thunder rolling across this great nation. That sound, friends, are the patriots gathering to defend the very principles this great Country was founded upon. God, Family, Country! "Let’s Roll!”

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A look into the mind of a liberal.

Sen. Adam Kline characterizes election integrity as"unpatriotic” and a"conspiracy” | The Freedom Foundation::

June 20, 2012

Another day of remodel, another "gem" discovered. On Monday it was the ABS pipe fitting that had a crack and was "fixed" with duct tape ... what will it be today? All in all, the remodel/update is going well. We got the cabinets and countertops ordered yesterday, so I have a target day for installation. Today is all about removing the sheetrock from the utility room (more water damage and mold), tearing out the water damaged flooring and prepping for the new wall. If I’m able to get half of that completed, I’ll be happy.

Last night, half of the Freedom and Liberty Caucus met for a BBQ here in the Moxee Valley. Rep. Jason Overstreet and his family were in town on their way home from Boise. We had a wonderful night discussing politics, trends, world events, and the state of society in general. Jason has a wonderful family and his wife is awesome. A special thanks to Eric and Autumn Torres for having the BBQ.

It seems like very time I talk to a constituent or concerned citizen, I hear about a new issue with a state agency. I’ve been looking into the land purchases and swaps by the Department of Fish and Wildlife and am still gathering information regarding the amount of money spent and the total acreage involved. I hope to publish information on that very soon. I was also alerted to a very troubling issue regarding water rights and will post more information as soon as I receive it. This one could be huge!

Back to work for me ... I have a couple of meetings this week, but mostly I can focus on getting some of the remodel/update completed. God bless.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 2012

Yesterday started out tough, but ended very, very well. Molly and I got a quote for our cabinets and countertops and the bid came in well below what we expected. We’re going to think about everything a couple more days and then pull the trigger on ordering everything. If all goes well, the remodel should be completed around July 20th ... give or take.

Tiffany starts her summer job next week at Fidelity Title Company. It’s going to be a great opportunity for her to learn a little responsibility and about other expectations on you as an employee. It will also give her some spending money which is a huge benefit to Molly and I. I’m really proud of her ... she’s becoming quite the lady.

Lastly, I’d ask everyone to please keep our farmers in your prayers. The cost of production is really high right now (fuel, fertilizer, etc.) and the weather has not been cooperating all that well. Last week’s rain doesn’t seem to have hurt the cherry crop, but more rain could impact the crop the closer we get to harvest. Many of the hay farmers around our place are still trying to get their hay dry after all the rain last week. We’ve had a little wind yesterday and this morning and that should help.

Ok, back to work, I hope everyone has a great day and god bless.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 2012

If you happen to be in Prosser at 6:00 PM tonight, drop in to Desert Wind Winery and meet Legislators from the 14th, 15th, 8th and 16th Districts.