Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Big Thanks

I want to thank everyone for their support in the 2014 Primary. I am honored to represent the 15th District in Olympia and humbled by the support we've received. November is 3 months away ... we have work to do.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Less Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." --John Adams, A Defense of the American Constitutions, 1787

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Less Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom - 2014 Legislative Session Day 60

The House took action on the following bills on the Concurrence Calendar …
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2029 passed with concurrence 97 to 1.
Substitute House Bill 2175 passed with concurrence 95 to 3.
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2572 passed with concurrence 70 to 27 with 1 excused.
Substitute House Bill 1260 passed with concurrence 53 to 44 with 1 excused.
The House receded from its amendment, returned to 2nd Reading, passed an amendment and passed Substitute Senate Bill 6283 96 to 1 with 1 excused.
House Bill 2746 passed with concurrence 92 to 4 with 2 excused.
Engrossed House Bill 2335 passed with concurrence 86 to 10 with 2 excused.

The House also took action on the following Senate Bills on the Floor Calendar …
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2304 passed 91 to 7.
Engrossed House Bill 2397 passed 98 to 0.
Senate Bill 5981 passed 92 to 5 with 1 excused.
Substitute Senate Bill 6387 passed 93 to 4 with 1 excused.
Senate Bill 5318 passed 96 to 0 with 2 excused.
Senate Bill 5691 passed 97 to 0 with 1 excused.
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5875 passed 74 to 22 with 2 excused.

The House took action on the following Senate Bills on the Conference Calendar …
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6002 passed 85 to 13.

With that, the 2014 Regular Legislative Session has Sine Died. I’d like to thank everyone for their questions, comments, support, and prayers throughout the session.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Less Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom - 2014 Legislative Session Day 59

We’re running the Concurrence Calendar in the House again today. The House must concur with the amended language in order to pass the bill to the Governor or they can"not concur” and send it back to the Senate for further deliberation.

The House took action on the following bills on the Concurrence Calendar …
Engrossed House Bill 1224 passed with concurrence 84 to 12 with 2 excused.
The House receded from its amendment, returned the bill to 2nd Reading, adopted a new amendment and passed Substitute Senate Bill 6312 75 to 22.

The House also took action on the following Senate Bills on the Floor Calendar …
Senate Bill 6505 passed 55 to 42 with 1 excused.
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6440 passed 87 to 11.
Senate Bill 6180 passed 98 to 0.
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6040 passed 97 to 1.
Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 6552 passed 93 to 5.
Second Substitute House Bill 2207 passed 97 to 0 with 1 excused.
Senate Bill 6518 passed 97 to 0 with 1 excused.
Senate Bill 6573 passed 92 to 5 with 1 excused.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Less Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom - 2014 Legislative Session Day 58

We’re running the Concurrence Calendar in the House again today. As a reminder, the Concurrence Calendar are those bills that passed the House and were amended by the Senate. The House must concur with the amended language in order to pass the bill to the Governor or they can"not concur” and send it back to the Senate for further deliberation.

The House took action on the following bills on the Concurrence Calendar …

Second Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1117 passed with concurrence 91 to 7.
Second Substitute House Bill 1651 passed with concurrence 97 to 1.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2519 passed with concurrence 86 to 12.
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2580 passed with concurrence 95 to 3.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2626 passed with concurrence 96 to 2.
Second Substitute House Bill 2627 passed with concurrence 97 to 1.
The House receded from its amendment and passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5045 86 to 12.
The House receded from its amendment, returned the bill to Second Reading to pass an amendment and passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6265 65 to 33.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2023 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2493 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Second Substitute House Bill 2616 passed 98 to 0.
Engrossed House Bill 2789 passed with concurrence 77 to 21.
The House receded from its amendment and passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6129 92 to 6.
House Bill 1287 passed with concurrence 61 to 37.

The House also took action on the following Senate Bills on the Floor Calendar …
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5972 passed 98 to 0.
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6001 passed 65 to 33.
Senate Bill 6570 passed 75 to 23.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Less Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom - 2014 Legislative Session Day 57

We’re running the Concurrence Calendar in the House today. The Concurrence Calendar are those bills that passed the House and were amended by the Senate. The House must concur with the amended language in order to pass the bill to the Governor or they can"not concur” and send it back to the Senate for further deliberation.

The House concurred with the Senate amendments for the following bills …

Substitute House Bill 1292 passed with concurrence 94 to 0 with 4 excused.
Substitute House Bill 2102 passed with concurrence 94 to 0 with 4 excused.
House Bill 2130 passed with concurrence 94 to 0 with 4 excused.
Substitute House Bill 2146 passed with concurrence 94 to 0 with 4 excused.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2164 passed with concurrence 77 to 19 with 2 excused.
House Bill 2276 passed with concurrence 95 to 0 with 3 excused.
House Bill 2296 passed with concurrence 95 to 0 with 3 excused.
Substitute House Bill 2363 passed with concurrence 95 to 0 with 3 excused.
House Bill 2555 passed with concurrence 96 to 0 with 2 excused.
Substitute House Bill 1791 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Engrossed House Bill 2108 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2111 passed with concurrence 95 to 3.
House Bill 2253 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2315 passed with concurrence 96 to 2.
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2463 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2569 passed with concurrence 94 to 4.
Substitute House Bill 2612 passed with concurrence 63 to 35.
The House receded from their amendment and passed Senate Bill 5141 91 to 7.
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 11229 passed with concurrence 61 to 37.
Second Substitute House Bill 2457 passed with concurrence 89 to 9.
Substitute House Bill 2724 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
Second Substitute House Bill 1709 passed with concurrence 81 to 17.
Second Substitute House Bill 2163 passed with concurrence 86 to 12.
Second Substitute House Bill 2251 passed with concurrence 98 to 0.
The House receded from their previous amendment, returned the bill to Second Reading, adopted a new amendment, and passed Senate Bill 6283 97 to 1.